In the creation of time, we are taught that it is to be preserved as a way to keep time on a balanced level to extend its means of existing. In the thought of governing time through the possibilities it would apply a means of communicating the importance of its use through why, how, and when it was placed to get an understanding of how to preserve it. As time moves freely through space it was to be applied how time will be handled by the beings placed in time itself. Time, as well as free will, had to be established by the one who gave with the ones who received. It was to be structured by the one who mastered time as it would have been mastered by the one who mastered his own time applying self-mastery. Being consciously aware of time allow you to project the time understood with its importance and purpose. As the creation is placed in time it was important to apply the understanding of the creator on how time was understood by how it was communicated. In my journey walking with the creator, I had to understand taking into account the time I was given with how it was communicated with me taking self-accountability. I had to study how such action was taken to communicate to me the importance of time by how I preserved myself giving me insight on how I made my conscious decisions. Calculating the effects a reaction would have on decisions requested to circumstances giving the algorithmic design of preservation and depletion of a conscious decision. Presenting the knowledge with the dominion of two opposing principles one of which is good and the other evil which a view of human beings as constituted of two irreducible elements in matter and spirit (conscious). Henceforth giving us dominion over the earth.
Decisions being calculated determining reasoning, experience, or common sense, judgment in intend to have a particular effect. Leaving the application of free will it was presented to me that the creator guides time through telecommunication which is the transmission of signs, signals, messages, words, writings, images and sounds or information of any nature through an algorithm of self- preservation as time was elaborated. It was brought to my attention that the intellect from creator to creation was brought through the use of a morse code technique in order for my conscious to understand what was being suggested as well as expressed. In the application of time development in morse code it can be memorized establishing communication, and signaling in a form perceptible to the human senses, such as sound waves or visible light, can be directly interpreted by persons trained in the skill. Implicit memory is one of the two main types of long-term human memory. It is acquired and used unconsciously and can affect thoughts and behaviors. Evidence for implicit memory arises in priming, a process whereby subjects are measured by how they have improved their performance on tasks for which they have been subconsciously prepared. Applying God as a set algorithm to install the truth of the effect to the mind allowing us to see the governed possibilities of good and evil. Algorithms are very specific steps by step procedures for solving a certain type of problems. Creator had to give the prototype to the concept for creation to receive the intellectual understanding of the meaning of life to apply certain procedures to imply such algorithms. Seeing as the ego maintains the world as an illusion. Implicit memory also can lead to the illusion-of-truth effect, which suggests that subjects are more likely to rate as true those statements that they have already heard, regardless of their truthfulness. The intellect of preserving life in the aspect of the creator presented the human mind with the idea of being a creator providing truth to its creation. Seeing as the free will was applied as a way to experience the life that was created around us as well as the one who created it experiencing God. The creator had to realize he would have to commit genocide to establish common ground with the creator being the conscious head allowing creation to exist in physical conscious time with the idea of preserving itself applying the morse code encoding the intellect of self-preservation. The appropriate method would have to be conscious of genocide being genocide was the deliberate killing of a large group of people to save the existence of humanity by killing the ego with innocent blood giving us the perception of appreciating time as it was given applying Jesus(Yeshua) participated in the action we were given a depiction of Christ consciousnesses. This form of Genocide was implied to domesticate our primitive attributes that go against the creator will to preserve creation. Expelling the idealism of committing social suicide of extinction. Giving humanity a chance to expand without fear of being dominated as well as terminated by their own ideas enhancing the chance for the future to live another rotation of pulsation. Jesus ripped through the veil of his flesh getting rid of the ego to put God’s will of self-preservation as the intellect to preserve time. Putting the self aside raises the conscious intellect raising the vibration of appreciating raising the value of self-worth enhancing inflation. Learning the importance of pulsating putting elaborative rehearsal understanding the compound of the environment elaborating the resources needed to consciously interpret how an individual orbits incoherence to the physical law, emotion law, and mental law of preserving. Applying the concept of light being our source of resource from crop growth to conscious. Cultures around the globe have revered the sun as a divine being and utilized the predictability of it’s annual wandering through the stars to make special times of the year relating to its behavior to changes in the natural world as well as conscious awareness of the life that it was given to preserving the very life it grew. Egyptian Sun Temple, Aboriginal Starlore, Easter Island Moai, Native American Medicine wheels and other ancient astronomical. Establishing the acquired skill of developmental reading for such self-preservation gave elaborative skills according to the algorithm placed. In the understanding of words, characteristics, the integrity of the creator assisted in applying emotional elaborative thought with a symbol to a sign given. In this giving the structure to morse code of time with the algorithm of self-preservation. Cultures symbols preceding them as a sign of how we were to preserve ourselves. Since the beginning, we were consciously aware of something guiding us to preserve our very being from its being. The pondering through our intellect came from the understanding of our time relating to sight, especially in relation to the physical action of light collected in our environment whether it be good or evil through time presented the conscious waver. The harmonic rhythm was ironic to our every need as it knew exactly how to guide us through the knowledge of itself. The creator had to teach us in the guidance of mastery of knowing ourselves to preserve ourselves for the future. Seeing as the Bible presented the story of the beginning of a man came from the thought of someone who had the depiction of a man for that man to reflect as a creator of the heart into the instrument to which life is preserved as used as a way to present the creation in a vibration rhythm through time lived thus making him an honorable man appreciating grace the idealism of death. It is a rhythm to life balance in creation in it creating in the man what is measured as a heart(emotion), mind, the body of peace. God-conscious being is of peace towards himself and of his creation a conscious link to the heart of consciousness. Learning as well as applying the understanding of self-preservation is how we adapt to interpreting from the heart what is needed progressing humanity applying the link to the creator. Our algorithmic design is to recite self-preservation throughout our human intellect becoming God's instrument of connecting his intellect to the system projecting his consciousness. It was the journey to our human inheritance. We adapt to our belief system by adapting to our creators will to persevere through his intellect. Building the human intellect of who we are as he had the dignity to explain to creation why he created us. Being able to articulate his intellect we were created in his image making us a conscious reflection of our creator.
The structure around the world mark out special points in the sky and the tale of our universal pattern of motion. The sun was born about 4.6 billion years ago. Many scientists think the sun and the field strength of the sun's magnetic field are typically only about twice as strong as Earth's field. The magnetic field develops because the sun spins more rapidly at the equator than at the higher latitudes and because the inner parts of the sun rotate more quickly than the surface. Earth’s crystalline grid is a carrier of vibrations infused with information of this planet. God being the all-knowing is all knowing of information. Our grid is our recorder of all energies this planet is carrying, carried and will carry according to what it needs to stay preserved. The earth has a higher vibrational grid which is known as the crystalline grid some may know as the conscious grid. It is known to receive divine energies (intellect) to be presented to creation for creation. It is known to be responsible for monitoring the ascension procedure that humans undergo by conscious awakening (realization) and increased vibration. Furthermore giving into account that creator designed me to understand why, how, when, and where I was consciously as well as physically. Understanding where you are will help you see who you are with the reason for being here presently. We needed teachers to experience the divine giving them the prototype to their concept to present the world of what it means to be uniquely human.