To whom this may concern,
I am writing this letter to give insight into the human dilemma of mental illness being a lack of gaining the intellect to reach our goal of preserving the planet on which we live individually. Gaining the will to understanding opened the door to a world of unity establishing a human discovery that will be beneficial to humanity raising the intellect in what preserves our being. In my research, I’ve discovered as well as written on conscious time development in the aspect it has on our behavior. Self-accountability behavior theory is an ideal depiction of understanding the behavior of your orbiting pulsation purpose in being a beacon of intellectual light that brings about oneness needed change. This theory is based on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory self-actualization model. This discovery gives us the insight of how the creator structures our human psyche mind, the body as well as emotion in the ideal of the heart being a telecommunicator as the mind reports what it receives from the creator in the focus of self-accountability putting your emotion in perspective. In the thought of the creator governing time through the possibilities, it would apply a means of communicating the importance of its use through why, how, and when it was placed to get an understanding of how to preserve it. Giving the ability to adapt to the algorithm that structures the mind of a human applying the behavior in which a natural phenomenon works and/or functions as a conscious sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group to maintain in its original or existing state. In which the state of mind is preserving the pulse of existence. Gaining the emotional intellect of emotion insight consciously walking with the creator learning the compounds of human behavior. Self analyzation was the tool I acquired when reiterating the focus points in my life. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and given medication as treatment. Opioid wasn’t my choice of putting my emotions back in perspective as it was applying the ways of the creator to my life. We are meant to be in the creator’s intellectual perspective giving the light a chance to critique what is needed to change. Giving us a chance to pay homage to the creator putting aside time to develop self-discipline. Presenting self to society-enhancing a view of the creators thought towards creation. In respect enclosing an honorable story to tale gracefully to adjust the life that was given in grace to unexpected endings to beginnings understanding the creator gives and takes life in and out of time. Enhancing the education acquired to further the study of this phenomenon. In this journey of acquiring knowledge from the creator, I will be obtaining a legal 501 3 © non-profit to form my foundation vision of peace in the creative action to deplete the elaboration of poverty to elevate the elaborative practice of preservation. Assisting in the efforts of outsourcing resources prevention programs such as facilities applying the mission of agriculture, emergency housing, education centers, etc. showcasing the use of their purpose. Statistics results in the chance of becoming from 2000 to 2016, the poverty rate in the U.S. rose 1.4 percent, while the child poverty rate increased 1.8 percent, according to an analysis of Census data by the economic policy institute. We live in a society with economic pain within the family being 30 percent of families living paycheck to paycheck. The result of propelling inflation gaining their human inheritance applying the self-accountability theory to gain the skills in which preserves you as well as others.
Furthermore, in discovering which assisted in performing calculations, data processing, and automated reasoning tasks structuring our behavior according to how our creator behaves in character providing a conscious idea to the application of the concept of preserving time according to what was observed applying there was a code pulsing through time in the set functioning of preservation. Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the mind that occurs as a result of a distressing event. These events affect our mindset where we reiterate a time that is past not giving space that could be reached to the potential exercised showing symptoms of anxiety and depression. In the time-space of not understand how trauma affects the mind gives the characteristics of schizophrenia disorder which affects a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave clearly which affect a lot of people in many social environments. Since 2017 I’ve been studying alongside observing how the self-accountability theory applied to society according to how our perception of preserving ourselves as well as the environment around us applied to our living habits. I am presenting to you in the idea of shining the light that brings the hope of preserving our creation on the intellect of the creator fabricating the calculation of social preservation to one-hundred percent depleting the elaboration of depletion preserving the impulse that sustains our being as well as our environment.
So, in conclusion, I will continue on this journey to assist in building more employment as well as understand the human ability to elaborate on what preserves us as a whole. Also with the creative skills in fields such as advocate and entrepreneurship transferring agricultural skills into business ownership. Building self-sufficient individuals to be able to elaborate on what preserves them from basic needs to business moguls influencing inflation.Gaining the intellect that was your human inheritance to preserve yourself giving you the human dignity to live. In this sustained on the mindset of social preservation understanding the orbit of pulsation. This will be my contribution to humanity as I study as well as teach the ways of connecting with the creator of time. Hope this letter suffices to give an understanding of how we are to bring about peace within our community as well as our households. We shall continue our education as we speak to unity assisting in the vision of peace for the world to understand we are not alone on this endeavor. So enjoy preserving the pulse campaign.
Timothy T Talley Jr