I waited for you
I waited for you with my heart in my hand for you to take with no charge
I waited for you even when you denied my love that I desired to share with you
I waited for you even though I was your comforter
I waited for you to be your friend even when everyone else turned their back on you
I waited for you when I gave you shelter during the rainy seasons
I waited for you wiping away every tear that you cried
I waited for you to help pick up the pieces of your heart every time it was broken
I waited for you to know I was there to catch you when you fell
I waited for you to love me just as much as I love you
I waited for you to take my gifts as they become apart of your beauty
I waited for you even though you didn't even acknowledge I was there the whole time
I patiently will always wait for you with my heart to give that it may straighten you in times of need.