Teach me how to Love
Show me the condition of my heart so I can know where I stand in your will
Make my heart your home and clean the toxins that hinder me from being truly who I am meant to be
Make my ways your ways so my ways won't detour me
I want my heart to mirror yours that I may show other the love you created us to dwell in
Teach me how to love myself so I may see your love more clearly
Teach me how to Love others the way you love me so I can be an extension of your love to them
Thank for showing us the love you have for the world by sending your only son to save us from ourselves
Thank you for showing me that love is patient, forgiving, and sweet
Thank you for showing me the love that reveals who I was created to be.
Thank You for showing me the love that pierced through the pain my heart carried
Thank you for teaching me how your love heals every wound that was afflicted on me and forgive me for being a tool who afflicted wounds on other hearts
Thank You for teaching me how to Love for you are love itself