You have to see that you are already a champion who conquered all the obstacles in your way. Obstacles even your family line battled can be conquered once you've realized that you already overcome it. God doesn't allow us to go through anything without making a way out. You have to see yourself out of the negative thoughts that block you courage to move forward in time. Once you see that he made a way you'll see that you are out and there is nothing that can keep you bound. There is nothing that can hold you from becoming the champion that you are. God be for you who or what can be against you? We are only required to carry the fear of God in our hearts. We can do all thing through Christ who strengthens us. Anything you put your mind to it is possible to achieve if you can vision it. You have to see your way through. We must have courage to become the person you vision that we you. Courage must be taken with the hope of achievement. Sometimes it may feel like it cannot be obtained but we have to know that he gave us his strength to take courage for his strength is made perfect in us.
Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
We must always give honor to where it is due. God deserves the highest respect for all he does and continue to do in our lives. With a positive attitude do we rejoice and motivate others to become the champion we know is possible to achieve. Persevere in the course of action even in the face of our obstacles and stay steadfast in doing something despite how difficult it may feel in the moment. Even in the times of feeling like things are difficult we have upright morals of integrity. Qualities of being honest and having strong morals helps make your boundaries clear. Keep hope and confidence in the vision God gave you that it will all come to past in due time. Always keep your optimism about what you see. One of the biggest things that you must know without a doubt is to never give up no matter how hopeless it may feel at times. God would never bring you to a point in your life just to let you down. He will always carry you to where you need to be. We may not always feel him or think that he is there in our situation but that's when we have the opportunity to show him the faith you have in him. We have to give him honor and praise during our difficult times of need. We have to show our trust in him furthermore for trust in our integrity.
As in the renewing of your mind to be the successful champion that we are it is required to be self disciplined. Putting aside pleasures and concentrating on developing the champion in you. You have to acknowledge that there is a champion in you. Acknowledging that champion in you helps you see clear what improvements in your character that you have to make within yourself. You can't be controlled by every emotion that comes across your mind. You have to be able to control your feelings because your feeling are not always accurate to the situation that you may be in at the moment. Also, overcoming and pointing out your own weaknesses. If you know what your weakness are it is easier to work them one by one. Denying what your weaknesses are allows them to fester inside you till you think it is a part of who you are when that is not true. It can be taken day by day improving yourself. Striving to become the champion you see takes work and dedication. We must have confidence as well as faith in God that he is guiding our feet in the right direction to our purpose. He is the great I Am. As God is assured of himself we have to be assured of who we are in him. We are everything he called us to be. We have to walk in true conference in who we were created to be. When he breathed the breath of life in us a living spirit he also breathed purpose into us. We have to speak, walk, love, and live with purpose.
Psalm 16:1-Psalm 17:1 - Confidence In God
1 Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You. 2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good besides You." 3 As for the saints who are in the earth, They are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight. 4 The sorrows of those who have bartered for another god will be multiplied; I shall not pour out their drink offerings of blood, Nor will I take their names upon my lips.
5 The LORD is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot. 6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.
7 I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. 8 I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely. 10 For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol (Hell); Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay. 11 You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
1 Hear a just cause, O LORD, give heed to my cry; Give ear to my prayer, which is not from deceitful lips.
A champion must define their relationship with God as well as define who they are in his divine purpose. You have to know who you are along with who he called you to be. A part of knowing who you are is knowing who you are not. It helps create healthy boundaries for ourselves also with the people around us. Someone who doesn't respect your boundaries doesn't respect you. Those are the ones who can hinder your journey of becoming a champion. You must have respect for yourself and others around you. Motivate others as you go through your journey. Champions build other champions. We are all made champions in the vision of God but it is up to us to walk forward in it.